GCCC Minutes – 23 November 2023
Gloucester City Centre Commission
Notes of meeting
held on Thursday 23 November 2023
at The Gloucester Guildhall, Eastgate Street, Gloucester
- Welcome and introduction by the Chair,
Dean Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting. A list of attendees and apologies presented is at Appendix 1.
- Notes of Previous meeting,
The notes of the last meeting, held on 26 July 2023, were accepted, and there were no items arising. Dean Andrew thanked the Steering Group, which met for the first time in October to review the Terms of Reference and to advise on the direction of the Commission. The Steering Group comprises, Emily Gibbon, Mark Owen, Matthew Andrews, Cllr Richard Cook, David Evans and Dean Andrew.
- Adoption of the Terms of Reference
Dean Andrew reported that the Steering Group had taken the view that the name of the group should remain as the Gloucester City Centre Commission. The word ‘Commission’ adds a gravitas and focus to the group’s work. David Evans mentioned that text had been added to the draft to reflect the discussion held at the last meeting, adding a descriptor of the members’ role as ambassadors for the city.
The meeting agreed to adopt the Terms of Reference as circulated
- Working in Partnership with Young People
Rachel Key, Youth Engagement Strategy Officer at Gloucester City Council, outlined why the Council has created her role and charged her with preparing a strategy to work closer with young people. Rachel outlined some of the frustrations that young people experience in engaging with the Council. She also spoke about the issues that matter to young people and she suggested ground rules on how organisations might approach engagement.
Rachel stressed that if we get engagement wrong the young people will lose trust and faith in our organisations and will stop contributing. However, if we get it right they will feel valued, we can have honest conversations with them, and we can work together to tackle some of the tough challenges.
Looking forward Rachel described the Youth Peer Research starting in January, which will be carried out by young people, and she mentioned the Young People’s Action Summit on 18 January to be held at the Cathedral.
In discussion it was noted that the effective engagement of young people in the future of the city is essential. However, it was noted that the Commission itself is not representative of young people, and that we need to think creatively about how to engage young people better.
- Action: Next meeting to directly engage with HE students. David to ask UoG or Hartpury if they can host the meeting and invite a group of their students (ideally Gloucester residents) to attend.
- Action: Steering Group to consider how to engage young people more effectively in the CCC.
- Tackling anti-social behaviour in the city centre
Katie Mellon, Team Leader for Solace in Cheltenham and Gloucester, outlined the activities underway to support crime reduction and address anti-social behaviour in the city. Solace is a partnership between the District Councils, the Gloucestershire Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, set up in 2018. The multi-agency team works together with partners and communities to prevent, investigate, and tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB). In Gloucester, the team is managed by a specialist ASB officer within the City Council, a Police Constable and a PSCO.
Katie described the Street Aware programme in the city centre, which brings together support and enforcement agencies to offer wrap-around support to individuals who are identified as causing anti-social behaviour (ASB) on the City streets. She also spoke about Operation Ebrius, with partners working together throughout August and September to reduce anti-social behaviour committed by street drinkers.
In discussion Commission members asked what the impact of Solace has been and what are the trends in anti-social behaviour in the city. Katie reported 1,300 interventions since 2018 and observed that ASB has decreased over the same period. Deborah Potts said she is keen to strengthen links between Solace and The Music Works to support the young people.
- Action: Deborah Potts to contact Katie Mellon to strengthen links between Solace and The Music Works.
- The Gloucester City Centre Conservation Area Assessment and Management Plan
Ullin Jodah-McStea, Conservation Officer at Gloucester City Council, outlined the review she had recently completed of the City Centre Conservation Area. The CCCA Assessment and Management Plan is currently subject to public consultation following which it will be presented to the City Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance.
The Assessment describes the city centre in four areas each of which has its own particular features and character. The document considers buildings, open spaces and views, boundaries, street furniture, infrastructure and art, and trees, all of which give the Conservation Area its character. There are clear opportunities for improvement, such as street furniture, business signage and the unattractive buildings.
A member asked what relevance the CCCA Plan has for climate change, and Ullin observed that retrofit can have a significant benefit, be it through the sensitive installation of power generation infrastructure or through the re-use of historic buildings instead of demolition and rebuild.
Another member within the development industry observed that the conservation area status can impact negatively on the viability of development in the city centre.
- Action: Members to review the CCCA Assessment and Management Plan and submit representation via the following webpage: City Centre Conservation Area Appraisal – Consultation – Gloucester City Council
- Action: Ullin to forward consultation information on the CCCA to Dev Chakraborty and EJ Benning for inclusion in their respective newsletters.
- Gloucester Growth Plan
David Evans updated the members on progress in drafting the plan, noting that Neil Hopwood has met and discussed the city centre’s future with numerous stakeholders. He is currently preparing a first draft of the plan, to be presented to the City Council’s Cabinet in the New Year prior to consultation amongst stakeholders.
- Conclusions and Action Points by David Evans
- Round up and close by Dean Andrew.
In Attendance:
- The Very Reverend Dean Andrew Zihni (chair)
- Robert Pannou, Gloucester City Homes
- Cllr Jeremy Hilton, Gloucester City Council
- Miranda Eeles, Gloucester Community Building Collective
- Ullin Jodah-McStea, Gloucester City Council (Heritage Service)
- Rosie Byford, Historic England
- Cllr Richard Cook, Leader, Gloucester City Council
- Deborah Potts, The Music Works
- Dev Chakraborty, GFirst LEP
- Martyn White, Gloucester Civic Trust
- Andrew McLaughlin, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
- Sam Holliday, Federation of Small Businesses
- Emma-Jane Benning, Strike a Light
- Emily Gibbon, Gloucester BID
- Emma Blakelock, Young Gloucestershire (representing Tom Saunders)
- Elizabeth Weaver, Hartpury University
- Rachel Key, Gloucester City Council (Communities)
- Katie Mellon, Solace
- Harriet Hughes, Hundred Heroines
- David Evans, Gloucester City Council (secretariat)
Apologies received from:
- Jennie Watkins, Richard Graham MP’s Office
- Ian Mean, Business West
- Mark Owen, Punchline
- Jack Fayter, Gloucester City Council (Visitor Marketing)
- Jon McGinty, CEO, Gloucester City Council
- Dr Polly Pick, UoG
- Dr Matthew Andrews, UoG
- Phil Hindson, Gloucester Culture Trust